Daily Lectio Divina: Rainer Maria Rilke

Daily Lectio Divina: Rainer Maria Rilke

Repost of Episode 593

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re continuing our series on Inner Journey using a selection from Letters to a Young Poet by Austrian poet and novelist Rainer Maria Rilke.

I know of no other advice than this: Go within and scale the depths of your being from which your very life springs forth.

To listen to the podcast, use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: Go within

Daily Lectio Divina: Go within

Repost of Episode 425

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re concluding our series on Wisdom from Rilke using selections from Letters to a Young Poet by the Austrian writer Rainer Maria Rilke.  This week’s theme is Inner Wisdom, and today’s reading comes from The First Letter.

I know of no other advice than this: Go within and scale the depths of your being from which your very life springs forth.

To listen to the podcast, use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: Only he who can

Daily Lectio Divina: Only he who can

Repost of Episode 424

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re continuing our series on Wisdom from Rilke using selections from Letters to a Young Poet by the Austrian writer Rainer Maria Rilke.  This week’s theme is Inner Wisdom, and today’s reading comes from The Eighth Letter.

Only he who can expect anything, who does not exclude even the mysterious, will have a relationship to life greater than just being alive; he will exhaust his own wellspring of being.

To listen to the podcast, use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: If you will love

Daily Lectio Divina: If you will love

Repost of Episode 423

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re continuing our series on Wisdom from Rilke using selections from Letters to a Young Poet by the Austrian writer Rainer Maria Rilke.  This week’s theme is Inner Wisdom, and today’s reading comes again from The Fourth Letter.

If you will love what seems to be insignificant and will in an unassuming manner, as a servant, seek to win the confidence of what seems poor, then everything will become easier, more harmonious, and somehow more conciliatory, not for your intellect — that will most likely remain behind, astonished — but for your innermost consciousness, your awakeness, and your inner knowing.

To listen to the podcast, use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: If you will stay

Daily Lectio Divina: If you will stay

Repost of Episode 422

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re continuing our series on Wisdom from Rilke using selections from Letters to a Young Poet by the Austrian writer Rainer Maria Rilke.  This week’s theme is Inner Wisdom, and today’s reading comes from The Fourth Letter.

If you will stay close to nature, to its simplicity, to the small things hardly noticeable, those things can unexpectedly become great and immeasurable.

To listen to the podcast, use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: Observe carefully

Daily Lectio Divina: Observe carefully

Repost of Episode 421

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re continuing our series on Wisdom from Rilke using selections from Letters to a Young Poet by the Austrian writer Rainer Maria Rilke.  This week’s theme is Inner Wisdom, and today’s reading comes from The Sixth Letter.

[O]bserve carefully what wells up within you and place that above everything that you notice around you.  Your innermost happening is worth all your love.

To listen to the podcast, use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: Allow life to happen

Daily Lectio Divina: Allow life to happen

Repost of Episode 420

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re continuing our series on Wisdom from Rilke using selections from Letters to a Young Poet by the Austrian writer Rainer Maria Rilke.  This week’s theme is Waiting in the Struggle, and today’s reading comes from The Ninth Letter.

Allow life to happen to you.  Believe me, life is right in all cases.

To listen to the podcast, use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: Our griefs

Daily Lectio Divina: Our griefs

Repost of Episode 419

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re continuing our series on Wisdom from Rilke using selections from Letters to a Young Poet by the Austrian writer Rainer Maria Rilke.  This week’s theme is Waiting in the Struggle, and today’s reading comes again from The Eighth Letter.

[Our griefs] are the moments when something new has entered into us, something unfamiliar.  Our feelings become mute in timid shyness.  Everything within us steps back; a silence ensues, and the something new, known to no one, stands in the center and is silent.

To listen to the podcast, use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: We must accept our existence

Daily Lectio Divina: We must accept our existence

Repost of Episode 418

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re continuing our series on Wisdom from Rilke using selections from Letters to a Young Poet by the Austrian writer Rainer Maria Rilke.  This week’s theme is Waiting in the Struggle, and today’s reading comes from The Eighth Letter.

We must accept our existence to the greatest extent possible; everything, the unprecedented also, needs to be accepted.  That is basically the only case of courage required of us: to be courageous in the face of the strangest, the most whimsical and unexplainable thing that we could encounter.

To listen to the podcast, use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: Have patience

Daily Lectio Divina: Have patience

Repost of Episode 417

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re continuing our series on Wisdom from Rilke using selections from Letters to a Young Poet by the Austrian writer Rainer Maria Rilke.  This week’s theme is Waiting in the Struggle, and today’s reading comes from The Third Letter.

[H]ave patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart.  Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language.  Do not now look for the answers….  At present you need to live the question.

To listen to the podcast, use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.