Daily Lectio Divina: Assurance

Repost of Episode 325

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re continuing our series using selections from The Valley of Vision: a Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions.  Today we’re using a selection from “Assurance.”

I am loved with everlasting love,
clothed in eternal righteousness,
my peace flowing like a river,
my comforts many and large,
my joy and triumph unutterable,
my soul lively with a knowledge of salvation,
my sense of justification unclouded.
I have scarce anything to pray for….

To listen to the podcast, use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

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