Daily Lectio Divina: In Baghdad, Dreaming of Cairo: In Cairo, Dreaming of Baghdad

Daily Lectio Divina: In Baghdad, Dreaming of Cairo: In Cairo, Dreaming of Baghdad

Repost of Episode 120

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re using a selection from Rumi’s poem “In Baghdad, Dreaming of Cairo: In Cairo, Dreaming of Baghdad.”

Either this deep desire of mine
will be found on this journey,
or when I get back home!

It may be that the satisfaction I need
depends on my going away, so that when I’ve gone
and come back, I’ll find it at home.

Use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: Sheba’s Hesitation

Daily Lectio Divina: Sheba’s Hesitation

Repost of Episode 119

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re using a selection from Rumi’s poem “Sheba’s Hesitation.”

Lovers of God, sometimes a door opens,
and a human being becomes a way
for grace to come through.

Use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: Joy at Sudden Disappointment

Daily Lectio Divina: Joy at Sudden Disappointment

Repost of Episode 118

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re using a selection from Rumi’s poem “Joy at Sudden Disappointment.”

Be thirsty for the ultimate water,
and then be ready for what will
come pouring from the spring.

Use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: Body Intelligence

Daily Lectio Divina: Body Intelligence

Repost of Episode 117

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re using a selection from Rumi’s poem “Body Intelligence.”

There are guides who can show you the way.
Use them. But they will not satisfy your longing.

Keep wanting that connection
with all your pulsing energy

The throbbing vein
will take you further
than any thinking.

Use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: New Moon, Hilal

Daily Lectio Divina: New Moon, Hilal

Repost of Episode 116

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re using a selection from Rumi’s poem “New Moon, Hilal.”

A new moon teaches gradualness
and deliberation and how one gives birth
to oneself slowly. Patience with small details
makes perfect a large work, like the universe.

What nine months of attention does for an embryo
forty early mornings will do
for your gradually growing wholeness.

Use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: Childhood Friends

Daily Lectio Divina: Childhood Friends

Repost of Episode 115

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re using a selection from Rumi’s poem “Childhood Friends.”

Trust your wound to a teacher’s surgery.
Flies collect on a wound. They cover it,
those flies of your self-protecting feelings,
your love for what you think is yours.

Let a teacher wave away the flies
and put a plaster on the wound.

Don’t turn your head. Keep looking
at the bandaged place. That’s where
the light enters you.
And don’t believe for a moment
that you’re healing yourself.

Use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: The Center of the Fire

Daily Lectio Divina: The Center of the Fire

Repost of Episode 114

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re using a selection from Rumi’s poem “The Center of the Fire.”

The mystery does not get clearer by repeating the question,
nor is it bought with going to amazing places.

Until you’ve kept your eyes
and your wanting still for fifty years,
you don’t begin to cross over from confusion.

Use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: Dissolver of Sugar

Daily Lectio Divina: Dissolver of Sugar

Repost of Episode 113

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re using a selection from Rumi’s poem “Dissolver of Sugar.”

Pale sunlight,
pale the wall.

Love moves away.
The light changes.

I need more grace
than I thought.

Use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: Only Breath

Daily Lectio Divina: Only Breath

Repost of Episode 112

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re using a selection from Rumi’s poem “Only Breath.”

There is a way between voice and presence
where information flows.

In disciplined silence it opens.
With wandering talk it closes.

Use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.

Daily Lectio Divina: The Fragile Vial

Daily Lectio Divina: The Fragile Vial

Repost of Episode 111

In this episode of the guided lectio divina podcast, we’re using a selection from Rumi’s poem “The Fragile Vial.”

The Absolute works with nothing.
The workshop, the materials
are what does not exist.

Try and be a sheet of paper with nothing on it.
Be a spot of ground where nothing is growing,
where something might be planted,
a seed, possibly, from the Absolute.

Use the audio player below, or right click here to download the file.

I invite you to visit the Sacred Pilgrim Facebook page where you can share your word or phrase and what came up for you during your prayer time.